The different tablet which contains PPA or Phenyl propanol amine

Viral Message is as follows-
Avoid these Tablets,they are very dangerous:
* D-cold
* Vicks Action-500
* Actifed
* Coldarin
* Cosome
* Nice
* Nimulid
* Cetrizet-D
They contain Phenyl Propanol-Amide PPA. Which causes Strokes & Are banned in USA!
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The different tablet which contains PPA or Phenyl propanol amine is not banned in USA it is only rumor which comes closest to the truth. They might lead to stroke in younger women. The United States has issued a warning that consumers are to use the tablet only with doctor’s prescription. Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) which is used in tablets for cough, cold and sinus and other allergy problems.Second:.In the United Kingdom, PPA is available in many of the cough and cold tablets such as in Paracetamol and other pain killers. It has no restriction in USA and no license required to sell in any shop.The risk is very less and only handful of such cases has been recorded.

PPA is a constituent of the common drugs .However these drugs should be taken under medical supervision ONLY. The funny part of the message was that it says the USA(though they used flag of United Kingdom) has benned these drugs but actually drugs containing PPA were banned in India on 27 January 2011.On 13 September 2011 Madras High Court revoked a ban on manufacture and sale of paediatric drugs nimesulide and phenylpropanolamine (PPA).So the chances of these drugs causing you stroke is very minimal and you should be careful about the dosage . But otherwise the direct threat is not realistic.
There are many sites which can help you know about the drugs and possible side effects for it so you don't have to rely on an Whatsapp message to take a healthy decision.

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